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Ø  Support our Spiritual leaders by standing with them in prayers daily, extending our hands in holding them up financially, materially and etc.

Ø  Support our Members churches and Partners to achieve their Potential

Ø  We work to assure that the gospel of the Kingdom preaches and reach the whole world

Ø  Develop plans concerning your church and ministry structure and what objectives you plan to accomplish during the year and upcoming year

Ø  Train, empower, Encourage and equip.

Ø  Hold National and International conferences for training and empowerment

Ø  Ordained, License, Commission, Consecrate. Affirm, enthrone leaders

Ø  Provides Ministerial Credentials to spiritually and qualified ministers and leaders.

Ø  Adopt Pastors. Church leader's churches, ministries, fellowships, villages, orphanages, schools and colleges

Ø  Planting churches. Supporting pastors in other countries who are in needs, covering churches and pastors.

Ø  Hold three International Conferences annually March – Eagles Gathering, July – Holy Convocation and December – Apostolic and Prophetic Summit

Ø  Partnership and Global networking

Ø  Missions Trips Around the World

Ø  Visit to the Holy Land Israel

Ø  Most informed qualified chosen vessels

Ø  Most Advance technology and media 

